The technology sector offers high-paying jobs, especially in areas such as Big Data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, full application development, engineering DevOP [...]
One of the most popular trends right now is the position of request engineer (also known as prompt engineer), who is in charge of writing questions to optimize chatbot responses. According to Bloombergsome companies offer salaries of up to US$335,000 per year (about US$335,000 per year). 307,000 euros) and do not require specific training in technology to apply for the position.
The main responsibilities of these professionals include develop tutorials to teach the technique of request engineering and to create a library of requests that will meet the needs of of the users.
A real-life example is Abert Phelps, prompt engineer at Accenture, who states that his job is to "play with words". to distill the meaning of something into a limited number of words. Despite having studied history and financial consulting, Phelps has been able to develop five different instructions and work on 50 interactions with chatbots to deliver the best results.
According to Mark Standen, owner of an artificial intelligence, automation and machine learning company, this is the fastest evolving technology market at the moment. This job is in high demand by companies as it is an emerging career where employees can set their price, meaning that some workers can charge up to 46,000, 230,000 and 330,000 euros per annum.
However, Adrian Weller, director of machine learning research at Cambridge University, points out to Bloomberg that. you are not sure that the prompt engineer position will be maintained for a long period of time.
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